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Swimming Dad Vladimir Anusic and his family Jelena Anusic


Swimming Dad

koncept predstavlja...

Swimming Dad concept presents…



Swimming Dad (tata za plivanje) koncept, stvoren je u mojoj glavi pre tačno dve ipo godine (2015.), kada sam prvi put dobio počasnu titulu tata. Međutim, tek danas (decembar 2017.) je prvi put zaplivao. Ovaj blog nije samo moja vodena priča, već i priča moje «male» porodice. Bez nje ja bih ostao usamljen u plivanju. Upoznaćete ih, posebno tatinu ajkulicu i tatinu ribicu.

Ovo je prostor neiscrpne inspiracije o ljubavi prema vodi, plivanju, deci. Kutak namenjen svim ljubiteljima plivanja, zdravog života, kako u telu tako i u glavi. Deci i dobroj zabavi u vodi i oko nje, ali i roditeljima, koji su njihova odskočna daska u svet.


Plivanje kao i pisanje, čitanje,

za mene je osnovna kultura življenja. 



Zato, verujem da ćemo zajedno uspeti kroz ovaj blog da vas motivišemo da i vi zaplivate, zavolite vodu i uživate u njoj kao i mi!


Dobrodošli u Swimming Dad svet!


Ko je Swimming Dad?

Moje ime je Vladimir Anušić. Po struci sam profesor fizičkog vaspitanja i trener plivanja. Pre svega ja sam tata jedne ajkulice i jedne ribice! Zahvaljujući njima svako jutro za mene ima novu dimenziju. Izazov pre svega, kao tate u svetu roditeljstva, ali i u svetu plivanja.


Više od 23 godine sam u svetu sporta, plivanja, i radu sa decom svih uzrasta, počevši od beba, tinejdžera, studenata. Ni iskustvo sa veteranima mi nije strano, kao i rad sa decom sa posebnim potrebama.


Veliki sam entuzijasta i uvek motivisan da pružim maksimum. Verujem da svi mi učimo ceo život, i baš zato, želja mi je da svoje iskustvo i znanje podelim i na ovaj način, kroz Swimming Dad blog.


Verujem u dobre, a ne u pametne ljude. Obožavam dobar basket i muziku. Volim da sviram saxofon, gitaru i pevam pod vodom!


Osnivač sam Baby Swim kluba u Beogradu i Novom Sadu, ali koji je trenutno u stanju mirovanja, dok ne pronađem prave uslove za ono što želim da radim sa bebama i decom u Srbiji.


Svoje višegodišnje iskustvo sticao sam kao i generalni sekretar Plivačkog Saveza Srbije, na Fakultetu za sport i turizam Tims, Plivačkom klubu Vojvodina. Trenutno sam deo Waves Swim & Sports Academy u Dubaiju i od skora Swimming Dad.


Ukoliko želite da saznate nešto više o meni i lepezi mog dosadašnjeg profesionalnog iskustva, projektima, edukaciji, potražite me na mom Linkedin profilu.

Sve informacije i saveti na blogu www.swimmingdad.com služe isključivo u edukativne svrhe.

Swimming Dad concept was conceived in my head exactly two and a half years ago (2015), when I had a great pleasure of becoming a dad. However, it is only today (December 2017) when this concept is having its first swim. This blog is not only my swimming tale, but also a story about my “little” family. I would be very lonely without it. Soon, you will have the opportunity to meet them, especially daddy’s little shark and a little fish.


I will use this space to share my insatiable love for water, swimming, children. I would like it to become a small hub for all swimming enthusiasts, those enjoying a healthy lifestyle both with their bodies and their minds. It is intended for children, good fun in and around the water, as well as their parents who are their diving platform into the world.


Swimming is for me as important as reading

or writing, it is an integral part of my life.



Therefore, I will strive to use this blog to motivate you to swim, fall in love with water and enjoy it as passionately as my family and I do.


Welcome to the Swimming Dad world!


Who is Swimming Dad?


My name is Vladimir Anušić. I have a degree in physical education and I work as a swimming instructor. But most importantly, I am a dad of a little shark and a little fish! Thanks to them, each morning brings a new life dimension. This is my personal challenge, both as a parent and as a swimming professional.


I have more than 23 years of experience working as a swimming professional with children of different ages, from babies to teenagers and students. I am also very proud of my work with children with disabilities.


I am a great enthusiast and always striving for the maximum results. I believe in continuous and lifelong learning and development. Therefore, it is my wish to share my knowledge and experience through the Swimming Dad blog.


Above all I believe in good, and not only smart people. I am passionate about basketball and music. I also enjoy playing saxophone, guitar and singing under the water.


I am the founder of the Baby Swim club in Belgrade and Novi Sad, currently in the idle phase until I find the right conditions to be able to do what I have planned for babies and children in Serbia.


Throughout my rich and diverse career, I gained substantial knowledge as the general secretary of the Swimming Association of Serbia, swimming instructor at the Faculty for Sports and Tourism Tims, and Swimming Club Vojvodina. I am currently working for Waves Swim & Sports Academy in Dubai and very recently I became a Swimming Dad.


If you would like to get in touch and find out more about my professional experience, my projects and education, you can contact me via my LinkedIn profile.

All information and advice on the blog www.swimmingdad.com are solely for educational purposes.

© 2017 by SWIMMING DAD

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