
Swimming Dad
Dec 1, 2023
Winter Swimming - Is winter the ideal time for children to learn to swim?
Many may not agree with me, but stopping a child from swimming just because winter has arrived, after it has learned to breathe properly,...
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Swimming Dad
Dec 1, 2023
Zima i plivanje - Da li je zima idealno vreme da deca uče da plivaju?
Mnogi se možda neće samnom složiti, ali ukinuti plivanje detetu koje se tek oslobodilo u vodi tokom leta, naučilo pravilno disanje,...
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Swimming Dad
Jul 3, 2023
Swimming: How did picture books about swimming come about?Blog guest: Jelena Trifunović, children's
It is a big responsibility to create illustrations, characters for children's picture books about swimming, and to have them interpreted...
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