Swimming Dad
Nov 21, 2021
Swimming: Mum, I don’t feel like going swimming anymore!
What should you do when a child at the age of six, eight, or ten, comes to you and says that he or she doesn’t love the sport or that he...
Swimming Dad
Nov 21, 2021
Plivanje: Mama ne volim više da idem na plivanje!
Šta se desi da neko dete prestane sa šest, osam, deset godina, da voli neki sport, da ne voli da ide na plivanje, a do tada, se u vodi...
Swimming Dad
Nov 7, 2021
Who is a swimming coach?
Regardless of whether the children are on the grass, ice, water, it is the coach who has a significant influence on their growing up....
Swimming Dad
Nov 7, 2021
Ko je trener plivanja?
Bez obzira da li su deca na travi, ledu, vodi, trener je taj koji ima značajan uticaj u njihovom odrastanju. Zašto? Zato što od...