Swimming Dad
Sep 27, 2022
The fear of water – three most common questions parents have
Why do children have the fear of water and at what age is it most common? The fear of water cannot be ascribed to a specific age, and it...
Swimming Dad
Sep 27, 2022
Strah od vode - tri najčešća pitanja roditelja
Zbog čega se kod dece javlja strah od vode i u kom uzrastu je najčešći? Strah od vode, ne bira godine, a ni to da li ste plivač ili ne....
Swimming Dad
Sep 6, 2022
Plivanje: Šta sve deca rade da privuku roditeljsku pažnju kraj bazena?
Nema ništa loše u tome što deca traže roditeljsku pažnju i kraj bazena. Posebno oni najmlađi. Normalno je da deca komuniciraju i kroz...
Swimming Dad
Sep 6, 2022
Swimming: What are the things that kids do to get their parents’ attention at the swimming pool?
There is nothing wrong about children seeking their parents’ attention at the swimming pool. Especially when we talk about the youngest...