
Swimming Dad
Jun 22, 2020
Swimming and proper breathing: How can we breathe properly and swim?
How can we teach children how to swim and breathe properly? A mother of a five-year-old boy approached me saying: “You know, we have a...

Swimming Dad
Jun 8, 2020
What should parents know about baby swimming?
Does this world really need one more blog, vlog, e-book or podcast about baby swimming? Does anyone really want to listen to your story?...

Swimming Dad
May 25, 2020
Should parents know the basic lifesaving and first aid techniques, and CPR in thewater?
Every skill which can help your child today or save life of someone else before the ambulance arrives is desirable. It doesn’t mean...

Swimming Dad
May 18, 2020
Dry drowning: the child has choked on water, is he/she in danger?
A mum has written me an e-mail “I have a boy of three and a half and he loves water. I’m giving my best to take him to a swimming pool as...

Swimming Dad
May 4, 2020
Saving your child in the water: Children drowning is fatal, but it can be prevented in 100%of cases
We were at the pool, swimming with my Little Shark and Little Fish. It was morning with no crowd. I was watching them enjoying it... The...

Swimming Dad
Mar 30, 2020
Swimming and swimming fins: When should children start using the swimming fins?
Parents, but also coaches are wrong when they insist on putting on swimming fins to children at the very start, thinking that they will...

Swimming Dad
Mar 16, 2020
How can swimming help children with flat feet?
Can flat feet be treated or not? There are various studies about this. Are fallen arches in children an inborn or acquired deformity?...

Swimming Dad
Mar 2, 2020
How long does it take kids to learn how to swim?
It’s impossible to give the right answer to this question, because every child is unique and has different dynamics in learning how to...

Swimming Dad
Feb 17, 2020
How can we turn the resistance to swimming into a successful cooperation?
The same way school and kindergarten represent a big change for a child, water and swimming are also a big unknown to some kids. If apart...

Swimming Dad
Feb 10, 2020
Swimming with children: My dad is not my coach!
My dad is not my coach! This is a sentence of a four-year-old boy I’m very proud of. Ever since they were born, my children have been in...