My team, my tune

Are you ready to assist your team player to achieve a great result? Do you know how to listen, in the way you like being listened to? Are you ready to sacrifice your ideas to achieve mutual goals? Many would agree that positive atmosphere, team tune in any sport, as well as in the family, or at work, are more important than the qualities of an individual. In case your answers are “yes”, then you are ready to become a team player, part of the relay, as the time of the “universal individuals” is long gone.
Good player is the one who is able to adjust his/her qualities to the team tune, and a good team is the one where each player has his/her corresponding note in the system. I can easily say that swimming is not an individual sport anymore, because there is a team tune that accompanies each swimmer during every jump, stroke, tumble turn. It is a crucial thing to achieve desired results.
The time of individual “dancers” is long gone!

Teamwork, the same as in your family, means finding a way to collaborate with different types of personalities, and to create the best opportunities for the team to achieve greatest results. That’s why, very often, a good coach is adjusting the atmosphere to match those who are at their highest and he/she knows in which position those “dancers” should be when dancing against the team tune. It is essential to be able to jointly create that team tune, and to strive together to be the best.
You should always remember that a good team player is flexible, ready to listen, and to rise above the occasion for the sake of the team. Although, you must not forget about yourself.
That is usually easier said than done. In case you decide to become a part of the winning team, and to score points, be prepared to accommodate some disagreements that may arise, to endure both heaven and hell, because everything can be overcome if the communication is good. Without it, there wouldn’t be for that famous team tune “all for one, and one for all”.
I am sure that each winning stroke in the very last millisecond of any swimming relay, no matter who the swimming hero is, and which position he/she ends up on, is always a result of the team tune!
I am very happy to have chosen my team and our tune, what about you?