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What should parents know about baby swimming?

Does this world really need one more blog, vlog, e-book or podcast about baby swimming? Does anyone really want to listen to your story? As long as we are telling stories from our heart, honestly, and as long as at least one person listens or reads it, it’s worth it! Why? Because no one can tell the story my way, no one fights my battles in life, lessons and authenticity, even across the ocean. That’s why I’m presenting you my story, the Manual: “What should parents know about baby swimming?

WHAT the Manual on baby swimming IS?

THE ONLY online manual about baby swimming (english and serbian language) which at one place, through personal examples of a dad and a professional in the world of swimming, you will get the answers to the parents’ doubts, fears about baby swimming.

You can order - HERE!

Designed for parents, pregnant women, future mums, dads, who wants to their kids to be safe and relax in water, in time when baby swimming is not fashionableness, but the most important life skill!

WHY the Manual on Baby Swimming?

Swimming is not only a fun activity for summer months, but an important life skill every child should master – starting from a very early age. That is why none of the possible fears or excuses is big enough to prevent you having a unique experience and joy with your baby in the water, which usually takes about two and a half years and can never be repeated or corrected.

What can you EXPECT from the Manual on Baby Swimming?

This Manual is not the one where you will find professional language or definitions from the water sports, but the one where, at one place, through personal examples of a dad and a professional with two decades of experience in the world of swimming, you will get the answers to the parents’ doubts, fears about baby swimming, and general information about swimming at a very early age.

Apart from my personal experience, these pages (on more then 100 pages) illustrate the stories of other parents and their babies and their first experience with the water and baby swim lessons in the “Baby swim club”.

WHAT the Manual on baby swimming is NOT?

The Manual “What should parents know about baby swimming? is not a “book from your school reading list” to be read once, memorized and put into practice. The idea of the manual is to be there for you whenever something crosses your mind and you want to learn more about baby swimming, so you can always go back to it and find exactly the thing you need in these pages.

For WHOM is the Manual on baby swimming?

The Manual “What should parents know about baby swimming?” is for parents, pregnant women, future mums, dads, whole family, who wants to their kids to be safe and relax in water in time when baby swimming is not fashionableness, but the most important life skill!

Yes, yes… It’s exactly for you:

· Pregnant women,

· But also future dads

· Parents with babies who wants to go to baby swimming

· Parents who goes first time with their babies to the sea

· Parents whose child supposed to experience first contact with the water

· Parents who wants to enroll their children in swimming school – pre-swimming school

· Parents whose children are afraid of the water

· Parents of children with disabilities

· But also aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers,… who can read it or give it to someone.

Is this the Manual for PREGNANT WOMEN?

Yes, yes, for you as well.

When I started with baby swim lessons, I couldn’t even imagine having two pregnant women with their babies in the pool. It was a double challenge for me.

Special attention is given to you - swimming and prenatal experience from my point of view!, (in my work with pregnant women in water) Why? Because, light swimming prepares the body and mind for a new life chapter – parenthood!

WHY is it important to SWIM with your BABY?

My kids have been in the water since the age of four months. Of course, that does not imply everyday trainings… they were relaxed and enjoyed the water.

Children who take up swimming as babies have a stronger immune system, better muscle tone, they sleep better, and their motor skills are significantly more developed. But what is more important, we need to teach them how to feel safe in the water at a very early age and make them feel comfortable in the water, and of course, teach them how to prevent drowning.

The Manual about baby swimming can HELP you also if:

· You are in two minds: Whether to enrol you kid in a swim course?

· You are just wondering: Why do I need such a thing in my life!?

· You are insecure: Is baby swimming safe enough for my baby?

· You are asking yourselves: How will I manage a baby in the water if I hardly manage him/her on the dry?

· You are not confident: Are the pool and the water quality good enough for my baby?

· You are wondering: How often should I swim with my baby?

· You have second thoughts: What is a trustworthy swim instructor supposed to look like?

· You don’t know: When exactly should I start with baby lessons? Should I stop in winter or should I go on with my aquatic adventure round the year…

· You have never heard anything about baby swimming, and if you have, it was just a couple of general things…

INSPIRATION for the Manual on baby swimming was...?

Inspiration for manual was everywhere...

One the one hand, as I was still working as a general secretary of the Swimming Association of Serbia and was in the world of top swimming on daily basis, I tended to pay more attention to the foundation of swimming, the youngest children, where the swimmers are made. I wanted to understand their challenges and fears, faced both by swimmers and non-swimmers.

On the other hand, it was devastating for me to read in the newspapers or see on TV that someone’s child drowned. Being a swimmer or not!

Third, once I got the honourable “dad” title, I wanted to give swimming, and baby swimming a “touch of warmth and colour”, as I believe we all learn as we live. I wanted to share my experience!

This is what motivated me even more to start working on education of parents and those who spend time with children, not only next to the pool, but outside the pool as well. And to work on the prevention of youngest children, starting with baby swimming.

They gave a CRITICAL review of the Manual…?

About the unique manual, on baby swimming, recommendation, they gave their expert opinion from the point of view of swimming, parents, psychologists, children's development and education:

· Nađa Higl, the first woman of Serbian swimming who has become the world’s number one, a European record breaker, today is a mother of two boys www.skolaplivanjanadjehigl.com

· Jasmina Mihnjak, psychologist Editor of the parenthood portal www.bebac.com

· Professor Dr Zlatko Ahmetović, Founder of TIMS, a full-time university professor, Emeritus www.tims.edu.rs


  • “These pages contain quality and applicable tips and are the real gems for us parents because they make us go easily through everyday dilemmas about situations we come across with our children. As a parent, a coach, a former swimmer and a mother of two boys I’m overwhelmed with the accuracy and clarity this manual has.” Nađa Higl, the first woman of Serbian swimming who has become the world’s number one, a European record breaker.

  • This book will illustrate all the benefits swimming has both for you and your baby, and I’m quite sure that once you read it you will go splashing with your baby in the water. These are lessons for all parents…Don’t take my word for it, see it yourself!“ Jasmina Mihnjak, psychologist Editor of the parenthood portal www.bebac.com

  • This text is recommended with pleasure, both for reading and reflecting… Also encourages the parents specifically to ensure the benefits both they and their babies can have from water.” Professor Dr Zlatko Ahmetović, Founder of TIMS, a full-time university professor, Emeritus www.tims.edu.rs

Experience of “my” babies and their parents about baby swimming!

  • Baby swimming – a mixture of energy, calmness, and experience in the water“, Melanie Čalija Kovačević, mother of Stefan, Simona and Sergej

  • We made the right step“, Goran Šebez, Filip’s dad

  • We overcame the hypertonicity of the shoulder belt“, Marijana Terzin Stojčić, mum of Dimitrije Stojčić

  • Enjoying the water is priceless, Andrijana Erić“, Uroš’s mama

  • Baby swimming makes you smile and sleep tight“, Vesna Ranđelović, mum of a boy whose name is Filip

  • Our babies were quite special after baby swimming!, Leana Petrović-Vučković, mum of Anđela and Trifun

  • I had prejudice, but the water has taken it away…“, Jovana Marković, mum of Jakov, Danilo and Žuna

WHO makes the TEAM Manual on baby swimming?

All the material was prepared by my family, who has been together in the water since the fourth month.

I believe that using the Swimming Dad concept www.swimmingdad.com and the Manual “What should parents know about baby swimming?” , I can motivate you to start swimming, feel safe in the water and enjoy it, the way my family does! I find it crucial that even at the micro level, I succeed in raising the awareness of parents, children and their friends about how swimming is such an important life skill.

Who are “THE ACTORS” in the Manual on baby swimming?

“The Actors” in all the photos in the baby swimming manual are my children. Shark when he was less than 24 months old and fish 8 months old. Phenomenal underwater moments were captured by Nikola Stojančević.

HOW DID THE UNDERWATER MOMENTS in the photos in the baby swimming manual come about?

How? Not so easy! Summer 2017. Hot weekend day. Crowd, poolside out of town. There is no room for a towel either. And the two enthusiasts with women and four small children arrive at the pool. Still, we found a corner on dry land, but also in the pool just for us. Then Nikola (a friend and a photographer) brought a "monster" from the camera with a "hundred legs" from the car. While he was assembling it for the underwater story, and I was putting water diapers on the children, everyone was looking at us strangely. But... The magic is recorded. How was I underwater alone with two babies? I was not alone. I had assistance then and now. Behind the stage was, of course, mum, who was "catching" us below and above the water.

HOW the Manual on baby swimming created ?

I remember my family’s first swimming experience together, jumping into the unknown. The years have passed in the blink of an eye. We swam miles and miles in salty and fresh water. We sure had a lot of challenges, because growing up is not easy.

My kids have been in the water since the age of four months.

Day by day. With nappies and breastfeeding, sleepless nights and with the support of my wife, I created the Manual “What should parents know about baby swimming?

I believe that I can motivate you to start swimming, feel safe in the water and enjoy it, the way my family does!

Why is MUSIC important for SWIMMING with BABIES?

Music is generally important for a child’s development, not only on the “dry“, but also in the water! It makes a significant contribution to a smooth connection of the baby with a new environment, the water.

When I finished writing and breaking pages of the baby swimming manual, I lacked a good rhythm! The rhythm that additionally drives, inspires. Why? Because a rhyme, a familiar rhythm, mummy’s or daddy’s voice, give an extra soothing stimulation to babies in the water.

The next day the notes and lyrics went out, I was composing a song for you. That song will welcome you at the very beginning of the manual "What do parents need to know about baby swimming?". While on the same pages you will find out more about the contribution music makes to the baby swim classes (children aged from 4 months to 3 years).

WHO is Swimming Dad - Vladimir Anušić?

I’ve been in the water whole my life. So, I can openly say that for me swimming, just like writing and reading, is a basic life skill.

I have a degree in physical education, with a Master’s Degree in Sports Management, and I work as a swimming instructor. I have more than 20 years of experience working as a swimming professional with children of different ages, from babies to teenagers, students, elite swimmers and adults. I am also very proud of my work with children with disabilities.

Throughout my rich and diverse career, I’ve gained substantial knowledge as the general secretary of the Swimming Association of Serbia, swimming instructor at the Faculty for Sports and Tourism, and Swimming Club Vojvodina. I am the founder of the Baby Swim club in Belgrade and Novi Sad, currently in the idle phase until I find the right conditions to do what I have planned for babies and children in Serbia.

I am currently working for Waves Swim Academy in Dubai.

In December 2017, I became the founder of the concept and the author of the Swimming Dad Blog www.swimmingdad.com

If you would like to get in touch and find out more about my professional experience, my projects and education, you can contact me via my LinkedIn profile or just drop me a line at vladimir.anusic@swimmingdad.com .

More about Swimming Dad - Vladimir Anušić?

I was born in SFR Yugoslavia, the country which had a sea and big dreams, the country which would have been a sport super power now, and the country which does not even exist on the world map anymore. I grew up in Serbia, the homeland of many top champions and successful sport stories. As a kid, I would play in the streets of a small town in northern Vojvodina, the town which is still attractive to young swimmers. I’ve been in the world of sport and swimming, as a coach, for more than two decades. Thanks to swimming, I’ve seen the world, and today I work in Dubai and I teach others how to swim.

I believe in a continuous and lifelong learning and development. I am passionate about basketball and music. I also enjoy playing the saxophone, guitar and singing under the water.

I’m currently living and “swimming” with my family in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Dubai. It seems to me that my family sometimes spends more time in the pool than at home. No matter if it’s winter or summer, my kids don’t stop swimming. They have been in and under the water since they were four months old, playing and enjoying it.

How much cost the manual "What do parents need to know about baby swimming"?

We have the tools in our hands to launch from the pool into the world our boys and girls, who will create their own families, who will build teams and show moral leadership in and around the water. We basically have only one chance for that. Especially now, at a time when baby swimming is not a fad, but an important life skill! Use it to keep your children safe and relaxed in the water.

The practical manual "What do parents need to know about baby swimming?" Can be your first step towards relaxing and enjoying the water with your children from birth.

Yes, has his price, 20$

Order the electronic version of the baby swimming manual (in Serbian or English)

or you can write to me vladimir.anusic@swimmingdad.com

or order via social media FB: @swimmingdad

or Insta: @swimming_dad


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